Thursday, February 19, 2015

I Have Begun...

A contemporary Christian music artist sang,

"There are days when I feel the best of me is ready to begin...". 

     Well, though I can't quite say that is what I am feeling right now, I do believe I must begin anyway... Not quite Caleb with " Give me my mountain!" gusto either... In fact, feeling more like one of "the company of 'the Ring'" pinned against the cold, sheer face of the mountain Caradhras, with all nature and the enemy seeming to control my ability to go forward or not. But whether I have to climb back down to the foothills and find that I need go through Moria...or not, all I have is this moment. So there, I have begun. My hand is in the River, at His invitation, and only good can come of that.

- Denise A Stair-Armstrong


  1. A lovely start, so proud of you! Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Well done, my friend! Great start! Hey, would you check out my blog and comment too. I just started one 3 weeks ago. Here's the link.
    Maybe we can encourage each other in this new adventure of blogging!
